I have known Fili for a while now and he has always impressed me with his understanding of SEO and where it is going. Granted his experience working at Google has helped with this, but he always keeps up to date with the current trends, experiments a lot, and stayed connected to other top experts in digital marketing, making him a wealth of information.
Es ist toll, mit einem Profi wie Fili zusammenzuarbeiten. Er ist extrem intelligent, hat eine Leidenschaft für das Internet und war eines der wichtigsten hochrangigen Mitglieder des Teams [bei Google].
Fili has been one of the most focused and reliable people I have worked with at Google. [...] The number of tools he contributed within Search Quality became a reference in spam-fighting at Google.
Fili ist die treibende Kraft hinter vielen Verbesserungen bei der Suchqualität von Google im allgemeinen und auf den holländischsprachigen Märkten im besonderen [...] Ich habe aufgehört zu zählen, wie viele Tools Fili intern entwickelt hat, aber viele davon sind heute das Kernstück der Suchqualitätsarbeit bei Google.
He always delivers results.
He is one of the most enthusiastic persons I have ever met, being capable to transmit passion and energy to the different teams he was working on.
Wenn Du Deine SEO-Fähigkeiten wirklich weiterentwickeln willst - egal, wo Du gerade stehst -, kann ich eine Schulung mit Fili wärmstens empfehlen.
Ich empfehle Fili für alle ernsten technischen SEO-Probleme. Ich habe nur sehr wenige Menschen kennengelernt, die so gut in der Lage sind wie Fili, Sachverhalte zu verstehen und anderen verständlich zu machen.
Er ist derzeit einer der fähigsten SEOs auf dem Markt.
Fili ist für alles rund um SEO die erste Anlaufstelle.
Ich kenne Fili als jemanden, der äußerst umfassend über die aktuellen Themen und Chancen der SEO informiert ist.
Fili war jahrelang ein echter Leistungsträger bei Google: er unterstützte und führte Aktivitäten zur Missbrauchsbekämpfung an, entwickelte interne Tools, bildete neue Mitarbeiter aus, und vertrat Google auf vielen externen Veranstaltungen.
Fili ist einer der kreativsten und klügsten Kollegen, mit denen ich bei Google je zusammengearbeitet habe.
Er hat umfassende Kompetenz im Bereich Websuche und Suchoptimierung und die Fähigkeit, Menschen dabei zu helfen, innerhalb der Google-Richtlinien das allerbeste aus ihren Webseiten herauszuholen. Außerdem ist er ein super netter Typ.
Ich kenne nur zwei Experten mit herausragenden Kenntnissen in technischer und On-Page-SEO. Fili ist einer von ihnen.
I find Fili very pleasant to work with as he always wants the best results, and is creative in the solutions he provides.
Sein Wissen und Verständnis von SEO sind unübertroffen und sein Präsentationsstil ist sowohl fesselnd als auch informativ.
Fili is a great speaker. His SEO knowledge is top level and his talks are always really interesting and actionable.
Fili is fantastic and has some in-depth knowledge on SEO. Fantastic teacher and makes it fun and engaging.
I attended the "Advanced Technical SEO" training that was given by Fili at BrightonSEO 2018. His session covered a huge range of topics integral to SEO, however, there was no trade-off in the depth of insight given by Fili. With advice that was both personalized and actionable, I thoroughly enjoyed his training and would highly recommend attending.
Fili offered so much insight, rather than just 'fluffy stuff' that you usually get with courses like this, and his style of teaching was highly engaging.
Highly recommend him.
Fili's a great guy. Very hands-on with his SEO trainings. [...] He knows his stuff really well and he's a pleasure to listen to.
From an SEO point of view, he not only clearly knows his subject inside out, he is also well able to communicate and share that knowledge which is rare.
His great knowledge helped us to understand some errors in our work, and to understand more the behaviour of the search bots. I recommend working with Fili.
Great presenter about Linkbuilding at SEO Campixx.
Would recommend his expertise to anyone!
[Fili] has a deep knowledge of best SEO practices, online marketing and development.
Fili is a technical and smart SEO Consultant and an engaging and thought provoking speaker!
I attended the Advanced Technical On-page SEO training at brightonSEO, which was created and brought by Fili. Since I consider myself to be quite experienced with mainly on-page SEO, attending an advanced workshop done by an Ex-Googler would be the perfect opportunity to update my skills and knowledge. I had my mind blown several times during the training. The level of the content, the explanations and variety of aspects which were covered were all just amazing.
Fili's Advanced Technical SEO training gives you a great grounding in the trials and tribulations of on-page/technical SEO.
Fili is a real enthusiast, full of knowledge and truly approachable. I got to have all my questions answered with interest and practical implementation.
Fili really is an SEO expert who is happy to pass on his knowledge. Highly recommended.
A soft spoken genius!
[Fili] really knows his stuff and is a generally very approachable and friendly guy. He really took my SEO knowledge to the next level.
Fili is a dynamic and incredibly knowledgeable SEO expert and a great speaker, with the ability to impart highly technical information and insights with great clarity. [...] Don't miss a chance to hear him speak or work with him on a project!
Would highly recommend [Fili's Advanced Technical SEO training] to anyone seeking to improve their on-page SEO understanding and skill.
Fili's Advanced Technical SEO course was the best I've been on in my 7 years in SEO.
[Fili's] enormous knowledge and skills could help our clients a lot. Also he was a very got instructor for me in the field of SEO. I loved working with him and strongly recommend him as one of the best SEOs i met so far.
[Fili's training] was a very well structured and insightful course that really changed my perspective and approach towards SEO.
[Fili's] fresh perspective and innovative approach to complex business and product challenges was invaluable. Always straight-talking, I’d commend you to spend time with Fili if the opportunity presents itself.
Highly recommended to anyone looking to improve their on page and technical seo skills.
Fili spoke at SiGMA, the Summit of iGaming in Malta. Fili was able to review live sites during his session, look into search signals and answer any of the delegate queries about SEO or Google Search. We couldn't be happier with his performance.
Fili is a guest blogger for the SEMrush Blog. He crafted one of the most shared posts on our popular SEO and marketing blog by providing useful statistics and examples, asking questions about our audience, and speaking directly to that audience in a genuine, engaging way.
The most in-depth Advanced On-Page SEO training sessions I've ever attended. Highly recommended!
Fili is very professional, talented and precise. He is also a very collaborative and creative person. He has very good SEO skills and he is an expert in all online services. I would strongly recommend him.
Highly recommended.
[Fili] was also involved in many high impact projects [at Google] such as rebuilding our team's external resource center, and he also helped building several tools that are important for our main workflows.
I had the pleasure to work with Fili on several projects in Google. He's incredibly innovative and creative person, with a strong sense of vision and entrepreneurial spirit. At the same time he has strong project management skills, with a laser sharp focus on results and quality of the final product. Fili is a great addition for any web related project team!
Fili combines passion, professionalism and positive attitude in one person. Neither nerd, nagger or bragger, he pursues that rare quest of "what is the best solution in the least amount of steps?" Highly recommended.
Fili has created and developed amazing trainings focused on Google Apps products and Time management. Thanks to scalable format and very unique approach of the delivery - these trainings are not outdated even after several years. Fili has trained hundreds of new hires as well as experienced "Googlers".
Fili was always coming with with new ideas and concepts that were very logical, business and customer oriented and furthermore, he would pursue those ideas, influence people and in many cases implement them.
Fili is a bright guy, full of ideas and fun to work with.
Fili is very passionate about technology and people with passion are usually very good at what they do, so is Fili. He always strived to automate manual processes and with his analytical skills and a head full of ideas he was an invaluable member of our team [at Google].
I worked with Fili [at Google] for over two years and experienced him as a very efficient and diligent colleague. He constantly looked for ways of improving our workflow and implemented tools that made the work of the entire team easier.
[Fili's] skill was to spot the gaps and offer the solution to suit. With Fili, every problem had a solution, it just had to be found and implemented. He is an energetic guy, full of enthusiasm and his words of wisdom and encouragement positively influenced the working environment [at Google] and the mindset of all involved.
Fili has been an enthusiastic member of the team [at Google]. He has a variety of skills - fraud fighting, programming, communications. He blends them very well to make sure the team and Google did the right thing for the customers.
I worked closely with Fili during my first 2 years at Google as we grew Product Quality Ops technical teams together. Fili is a pleasure to work with and a great partner across functions. He is someone I would recommend because he has strong communication skills, solid technical ability and a strategic approach to his work.
Fili has a great knowledge and deep understanding about [Google] Search Quality matters.
Fili is a real tech lead - very knowledgeable about web development, passionate about his projects and with leadership vision that brings the team together.
Working with Fili is always a learning experience as I get to learn many a best practices in the industry today.
Fili is one of the most energetic and knowledgeable people I know.
Fili has amazing technical skills, especially when it comes to internet programming languages, he programmed a couple of applications for our team [at Google] which were really neat.
I've worked very closely with Fili for more than 2 years and really enjoyed his outstanding knowledge and passion for the Search industry.
[Fili] was always approachable with questions, for discussion, each time answering with great detail and enthusiasm [at Google].
Fili is approachable, friendly and very happy to help. He takes his work seriously and is a fast learner; whenever dropped into a new role or challenge he hits the ground running and becomes an expert quickly.
I can truly say he knows what to say, what to point out and bring in a fun way [SEO-wise].
I've attended Fili's speech on SearchLeeds 2018 - in my opinion it was the most noticable speech on this event. This experience inspired me to choose Advanced Technical SEO training led by Fili before spring edition of Brighton SEO. I must admit it was the best piece of SEO knowledge I've ever consumed, full of practical hints you won't find anywhere else. Beside having deep SEO technical understanding Fili is just very good speaker - he has perfect ability to transfer his knowledge to the audience. I highly recommend Fili as SEO Expert and trainer.
Fili held a Advance technical SEO training session at BrightonSEO 2019. It was a great experience for me and I would recommend everyone to attend this training session!
With Fili's enthusiasm, even the most difficult topics of technical SEO become simple and enjoyable to investigate.
Fili definitely knows what he's talking about and explains everything thoroughly. Went home with a lot of actionable insights to improve our technical SEO.
Fili is a Technical SEO guru.
Quality technical seo training. Its always nice when you leave with a giant list of actionable stuff to do! Would definitely recommend.
I was very lucky to attend Fili's Advanced Technical On-page SEO workshop at the Brighton SEO. He is a great speaker and SEO expert without doubt.
I attended the Advanced Technical SEO training from Fili Wiese at the Brighton SEO. His training was very helpful to gain a deeper understanding of the technical SEO challenges.
Fili delivered a very insightful and practical training on technical SEO.
Fili is a superb teacher with the most comprehensive knowledge of technical SEO that I've ever seen.
Fili was great on delivering an extensive, advanced Technical SEO training [...] feeding us with valuable insights.
Fili is full of energy and can always explain things in the simplest of terms so anyone can understand.
Fili ist einer der klügsten Menschen, mit denen ich jemals zusammenarbeiten durfte.
In einem Raum voller kluger Köpfe, die mit SEO vertraut sind, sticht Fili Wiese als einer der klügsten hervor. Seine Insiderwissen, sein Gespür für die besten Ansätze zur Umsetzung von SEO und sein Durchblick bei der Behebung von Problemen reichen weiter als bei den meisten auf diesem Gebiet. Viele nennen mich einen Experten, doch ich frage Fili oft nach seiner Meinung, ehe ich einschneidende Änderungen vornehme oder Google direkt kontaktiere. Der Typ hat echt was drauf.
Fili ist für seine umfassenden Branchenkenntnisse und Kompetenz im Bereich Websuche sowohl bei Google als auch außerhalb bekannt.
Als Experte rund um Google ist Fili Wiese einer der kenntnisreichsten SEOs in unserer Branche. Seine Theorie und Techniken für Online-Werbung sind sinnvoll und effektiv. Sie sollten ihn beauftragen, bevor Ihr Konkurrent Ihnen zuvorkommt!
Vom Wildjäger zum Wildhüter, oder ist es umgekehrt? Durch seine jahrelange Arbeit hinter den Kulissen ist Fili mit den komplexen Einzelheiten der Wirkungsweise von Google-Algorithmen, ihren Auswirkungen und der Lösung etwaiger Abstrafungsprobleme vertraut.
Fili ist für fortgeschrittene SEOs der erste Anlaufpunkt. Sein Werdegang und Vorgehensweise machen ihn zu einem hervorragenden Lehrer und Problemlöser.
Klug, technisch, methodisch, gründlich – dies sind nur einige Worte, die Fili und seinen Arbeitsansatz beschreiben. Ich kenne ihn seit Jahren und schätze mich glücklich, dass ich auf sein Wissen zugreifen kann. Er liefert schlicht und einfach Ergebnisse. Er beobachtet auch sich abzeichnende Trends um herauszufinden, wie sie sich auf seine Arbeit auswirken. Ich kann Fili einfach nicht genug loben!
Als ehemaligen Google-Ingenieur weiß er genau, wovon er spricht und gibt zusätzliche Einblicke als andere in der SEO-Branche.
Vergiss Matt Cutts. Fili Wiese ist der Rivale aus Großbritannien. Du weißt, dass es eng wird, wenn der auf einer Konferenz anfängt, Notizen zu machen! Doch Spaß beiseite – normalerweise lässt sich Google in Bezug auf die SEO-Community kaum in die Karten schauen, doch Fili ist so erfrischend und hält zu Recht einen Platz als einflussreichste Person in der Suchbranche Großbritanniens.
Ich habe Fili zur Teilnahme an einer Expertenrunde auf der BrightonSEO eingeladen; es war eine der erfolgreichsten Sitzungen in der Veranstaltungsgeschichte. Wenn doch nur alle unsere Gesprächsrunden so gefragt wären!
Fili war einer der Sprecher auf der ITB Berlin Convention (weltweit führendes Event der Travel Branche) im Jahr 2017. Sein Vortrag zum Thema 'Secrets of Search Engine Rankings' war bei weitem der beliebteste Workshop. [...] Wir können Fili als SEO Experten wärmstens empfehlen.
Ich habe 2018 an Filis Vortrag zum Thema Linkbuilding auf der SEO Campixx in Berlin in teilgenommen. Welcher ein hinreißender, inspirierender und unterhaltsamer Vortrag! Habe zahlreiche Ideen und Anregung mitnehmen können.
Wenn Sie einen erfahrenen SEO-Referenten suchen, empfehle ich Fili.